We consider the frequency domain form of proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) called spectral proper orthogonal decomposition (SPOD). SPOD is derived from a space-time POD problem for stationary flows and leads to modes that each oscillate at a single frequency. We establish a relationship between SPOD and dynamic mode decomposition (DMD); we show that SPOD modes are in fact optimally averaged DMD modes obtained from an ensemble DMD problem for stationary flows. Finally, we establish a connection between SPOD and resolvent analysis. The key observation is that the resolvent-mode expansion coefficients, which are usually treated as deterministic quantities described by an amplitude and phase, should be regarded as statistical quantities, described by their cross-spectral density, in order for the resolvent-mode expansion to properly capture the flow statistics. When the expansion coefficients are uncorrelated, we show that SPOD and resolvent modes are identical.
Towne, A., O. T. Schmidt, and T. Colonius. “Spectral proper orthogonal decomposition and its relationship to dynamic mode decomposition and resolvent analysis.” Journal of fluid mechanics 847 (2018): 821–867.
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