Four different applications of spectral proper orthogonal decomposition (SPOD) are demonstrated on large-eddy simulation data of a turbulent jet. These are: low-rank reconstruction, denoising, frequency–time analysis and prewhitening. We demonstrate SPOD-based flow-field reconstruction using direct inversion of the SPOD algorithm (frequency-domain approach) and propose an alternative approach based on projection of the time series data onto the modes (time-domain approach). We further present a SPOD-based denoising strategy that is based on hard thresholding of the SPOD eigenvalues. The proposed strategy achieves significant noise reduction while facilitating drastic data compression.
Nekkanti, A. and O. T. Schmidt. “Frequency–time analysis, low-rank reconstruction and denoising of turbulent flows using spod.” Journal of fluid mechanics 926 (2021): A26.
[Bibtex]@Article{nekkantischmidt_2021_jfm, author = {Nekkanti, A. and Schmidt, O. T.}, journal = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, title = {Frequency–time analysis, low-rank reconstruction and denoising of turbulent flows using SPOD}, year = {2021}, pages = {A26}, volume = {926}, doi = {10.1017/jfm.2021.681}, file = {:NekkantiSchmidt_2021_JFM.pdf:PDF}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, }
Example 7 and routine tcoeffs.m in SPOD package on MATLAB Central File Exchange