[Link to our Canvas course website]


Prof. Oliver T. Schmidt

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

EBU II Room 573 | (858) 822-5126 | oschmidt@ucsd.edu

Office hour: Monday 4:00 – 5:00 pm, EBU II Room 573


Teaching assistants

Tianyi Chu


Office hour: Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 pm, EBU II Room 270

Problem-solving session: Tuesdays, 11:00 am-12:00 pm, EBU II Room 370 (starting Jan, 21)



Potential theory, canonical viscous flows, time-dependent viscous flows, very viscous flows, boundary layer theory



BENG 209 or MAE 209 or MAE 210A; MAE 101A and B; and MAE 110A, or consent of instructor.



Elementary Fluid Dynamics (Oxford Applied Mathematics and Computing Science Series) 1st Edition

D. J. Acheson

ISBN-10: 0198596790



Lectures: TuTh, 8:00a-9:20a, EBU2 105

Problem-solving session: Tuesdays, 10:00a-11:00 am, EBU II Room 370 (starting Jan, 21)


Homework Submission

All homework must be submitted on Gradescope according to the Gradescope Homework Submission Guidelines.

Gradescpose entry code: M26W3W.


Note: These numbers are by no means definite, the three components (homework, midterms, final) may be rescaled separately to arrive at the final grade. The will be no make-up exam for midterms under any circumstances. If you miss a midterm exam for medical reasons🚑, your final exam will count as 60% of the course. 

Homework (10%): about 5 assignments will be posted at least a week before they are due with a clear date to hand them in. You may discuss problems among yourselves, but everything you write or type must be your own work. 

All homework assignments have to be submitted electronically through Gradescope and adhere to the Gradescope Homework Submission Guidelines. No late homework will be accepted, submit what you have done on the due date.  Re-grades also have to be submitted through Gradescope and will not be accepted beyond 5 days after the return of homework.

2 Midterms (20%+20%): in-class, closed books & notes, Thursday, 02/06/2020, 8:00a-9:19a, and Tuesday, 03/03/2020, 8:00a-9:19a.

Final (50%): closed books & notes, Thursday, 03/19/2020, 8:00a-10:59a


Academic integrity

See UCSD’s policy on academic integrity.